Benjamin Duthaler Benjamin Duthaler

🌍 WEF 2025 in Davos: Is Switzerland still the right venue?

For over 50 years: Davos and the World Economic Forum (WEF)

For more than half a century, Davos has hosted the World Economic Forum (WEF), one of the world's most important platforms for exchange on global economic and political issues. Every year, leading representatives from business, politics, science and civil society gather here to discuss the pressing challenges of our time. Switzerland's political neutrality and stability make the country an attractive location for an event of this magnitude. However, the question of whether Davos is still the ideal location for the WEF is becoming increasingly controversial.

Advantages of the Davos location

Davos stands for a decades-long tradition that has made the WEF what it is today. The alpine backdrop and seclusion provide a concentrated working environment, far removed from the hectic everyday life of the big cities. At the same time, the region benefits enormously economically from the event: hotels, restaurants and local service providers experience strong demand, and the global attention that Davos receives during the WEF strengthens Switzerland's international reputation as a location for diplomacy and business.

Switzerland's political neutrality also contributes significantly to its attractiveness. The country offers a stable and secure environment, which is of great importance to international guests. In Davos, heads of state, CEOs and scientists find neutral ground on which constructive discussions can be held.

Davos has been the venue for the WEF since 1971. The seclusion of the alpine setting was deliberately chosen to create an atmosphere of concentration and exclusivity for global leaders.

Criticism of the venue

However, the advantages are offset by considerable challenges. A key point of criticism is the high security costs associated with the event. Millions are invested every year to ensure the safety of international guests, with a significant proportion of these costs being borne by the public purse. For many Swiss citizens, the question arises as to whether this expenditure is justified.

Added to this is the environmental impact caused by the transportation of guests, the construction of temporary infrastructure and increased energy consumption. Critics argue that an event that is also concerned with sustainable development should itself be more environmentally friendly. The alpine location of Davos, which gives the event its special charm, also poses logistical challenges. Access to the site is complex, and traffic problems and capacity bottlenecks regularly occur during the WEF.

Future prospects: another location?

While supporters rely on Switzerland's tradition and reputation, critics are calling for the WEF to be relocated to a more modern and accessible location. Cities such as Geneva or Zurich are mentioned as possible alternatives, as they have better infrastructure and international airports. An urban venue could also facilitate logistics and reduce the ecological footprint.

At the same time, other voices emphasize that the WEF in Davos is characterized by its unique character and that a move could destroy the special atmosphere of the event. The seclusion and exclusivity that Davos offers are a decisive advantage for many participants that a large city could not offer in the same way.

A balancing act between tradition and innovation

The discussion about the future of the WEF in Davos shows how complex the trade-off between tradition, economic interests, sustainability and logistical requirements is. It is clear that Davos, with its long history and symbolic character, is deeply connected to the World Economic Forum. However, whether the location will remain appropriate in the future is a question that will continue to occupy those responsible.

Ultimately, the WEF faces the challenge of maintaining its relevance and credibility by not only talking about global problems, but also finding forward-looking solutions in its own actions. The choice of location will play a central role in this.

📊 The opinion of the naoo community.

Our survey on the naoo app shows that the majority of the community agrees:

  • 69% - Yes, Switzerland is well suited for this

  • 12% - No, it should take place somewhere else

  • 19% - I don't care where it takes place

(currently 521 users have taken part in the survey)

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